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Image: The thai pavilion
The King Chulalongkorn Pavilion/
Memorial in Utanede, Ragunda, Sweden.
(© 1999-2005 Photo by Lennart Nordström)

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The Official and Exclusive Website for The King Chulalongkorn Pavilion / Memorial in Utanede, Ragunda, Sweden Opened in 1999 and

The Unique Story and Photos of H.M. King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) and His State Visits to Europe in 1897 and 1907 - especially to Sweden (1897), Denmark (1897 and 1907) and Norway (1907) and H.M. King Mongkut (Rama IV) (the father) - Their reigns, work, lives, children, grandchildren and Siam/Thailand 1767-21st Century.

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Recommended, Worthwhile and Amusing Reading
"The Standards in Agunda, Snow White and the 10 little treacherous Agunda hobgoblins Intrigo, Cahoot, Disloyal, Insolent, Cheapskate, Ignorant, Uneducable, Indolent, Slack and Indifferent and also Spiteful on their way out" ... and then they were only 4 little treacherous Agunda hobgoblins on their way out left.

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"The Standards in Agunda, Snow White and the 10 little treacherous and Agunda hobgoblins on their way out".

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